由来:1. origin 2. derive...from 3. derivation 4. whence.Examples:这个部门在公司不受重视由来已久.This department has been the Cinderella of the company for far too long.
1. The origins of English can be traced back to the Indo-European language family. This language family is the largest in the world, encompassing most of the languages in Europe, America, and Asia. It is estimated that around 1.875 billion people, approximately half of the world...
春节的由来英语 春节的由来英语 春节的由来英语 每逢春节来临,⼈们就有了⼀周的休息时间,不管家离得有多远,都会回家过年。你们对春节的来历和习俗有多少的了解吗?以下是由yjbys⼩编为⼤家收集整理的英语春节的由来,欢迎⼤家学习参考。 ⼀、春节来历的英⽂介绍 Origin of the Spring F...
端午节,又称端阳节、龙舟节、重五节、天中节等,是集拜神祭祖、祈福辟邪、欢庆娱乐和饮食为一体的民俗大节。下面是小编整理的端午节的传说与由来英文版,欢迎大家阅读学习。 端午节的传说与由来英文版 1 The Dragon Boat Festival,also called the Duanwu Festival,is celebrated on the fifth day of the fifth ...
年的由来英文是Origin of the year。例句:1、在商代,人们在新年的开始向上天和祖宗献祭牺牲品,这就是年的由来。The Spring Festival originated from offering sacrifices to gods and ancestors at&n 正文 1 年的由来英文是Origin of the year。例句:1、在商代,人们在新年的开始...
春节来历英语是Origin of Spring Festival。1、The Spring Festival is the first year of the lunar calendar. Another name of the Spring Festival is the Spring Festival. It is the biggest, busiest and most important ancient traditional festival in China. It is also a unique festival ...
相关阅读:春节压岁钱的由来英文版 Lucky money 春节拜年时,长辈要将事先准备好的压岁钱分给晚辈,据说压岁钱可以压住邪祟,因为“岁”与“祟”谐音,晚辈得到压岁钱就可以平平安安度过一岁。 Happy New Year Spring Festival, the elders will prepared New Year's money to the younger generation, it is said...
罗马的4月,正是大地回春、鲜花初绽的美好季节,英文4月 April 来自古罗马词 aperire,意思为“开始”,意味着植物在春天开始生长。 May(5月) 罗马神话中的女神迈亚(Maia),掌管丰收和繁殖。为了纪念这位女神,罗马人便用她的名字来命名5月。 June(6月)