英文短句/例句 1.This train calls at the chief stations only.这班列车只停靠大站。 2.This train reaches London at five.这班列车5 点到达伦敦。 3.This train connects with another at York.这班列车在约克和另一列车相衔接。 4.Attention please, this train is returning to depot and will not ...
英文短句/例句 1.This train calls at the chief stations only.这班列车只停靠大站。 2.This train reaches London at five.这班列车5 点到达伦敦。 3.This train connects with another at York.这班列车在约克和另一列车相衔接。 4.Attention please, this train is returning to depot and will not ...
中欧班列的英文全称是“China-Europe Railway Express”,这一名称直观地反映了该运输服务连接中国和欧洲的特点,同时也突出了其铁路运输的属性。 二、中欧班列英文简称 为了简化称呼,中欧班列也有“CR Express”这一英文简称。其中,“CR”取自“China Railway”的首字母,代表中国铁路,而“Exp...
中欧班列的英文如下:1、China-Europe freight train。2、China-Europe train。3、China-Europe Railway Express。4、China Railway Express to Europe。双语例句:1、如何拿到中欧班列补贴价格?However,how to get a subsidized price of CR Railway?2、中欧班列特有的安全快捷、绿色环保、不受自然因素...
The number of China-Europe Railway Express freight trips reached 2,928 in the first two months of 2024, up 9 percent year on year. About 317,000 twenty-foot equivalent units (TEU) of goods were transported via the freight train services during this period, up 10 percent from a year ...
13.中欧班列(英文名称 CHINA RAILWAY Express,缩写 CR Express)是由中国铁路总公司组织,按照固定车次、线路、班期和全程运行时刻开行,运行于中国与欧洲以及“一带一路”沿线国家间的集装箱等铁路国际联运列车,是深化我国与沿线国家经贸合作的重要载体和推进“一带一路”建设的重要抓手。中欧班列通道不仅连通欧洲及...
中欧班列(英文名:China Railway Express),中欧班列是指中国国家铁路集团有限公司按照固定车次、线路等条件开行,往来于中国与欧洲及一带一路沿线各国的集装箱国际铁路联运班列。铺划了西中东3条通道中欧班列运行线:西部通道由我国中西部经阿拉山口(霍尔果斯)出境,中部通道由我国华北地区经二连浩特出境,东部通道由我国东南...
英文短句/例句 1.Study on the Operation Plan of Car Liner Trains of China Railway Special Cargo Automobile Logistics Company中铁特货汽车物流公司小汽车班列开行方案研究 2.The car headed the procession.小汽车在行列的前面。 3.At the head of the line of cars was a bus.在一列小汽车的前头是辆公共...
中欧班列,英文名“CHINA RAILWAY Express”,简称“CR Express”,是中国铁路总公司主导的国际联运列车。它贯穿中国与欧洲及“一带一路”沿线国家,是中国与沿线国家深化经贸合作的关键桥梁和推进“一带一路”建设的核心力量。中欧班列的运行线铺划了三个主要通道,西部通道从中国中西部地区出发,经由阿拉...