如果是直译的话就是:Werewolf kill。但是如果用它的本意去翻译的话,应该是“狼人游戏”,所以英文名...
除此之外,我们所说的剧本杀也和外国人所说的谋杀之谜(Murder Mystery Game)非常类似,它流行于欧美派对中,参加派对的宾客扮演不同的角色(包括凶手)进行的一场推理游戏。这两个翻译一个侧重于实景实时、一个侧重于内容是和“谋杀”有关的。一些在玩剧本杀时可能会涉及到的英文词汇:script 剧本 DM (Dungeon Mas...
狼人杀的英文名是Werewolves of Miller's Hollow。狼人杀游戏的另一种英语说法是Werewolf,例如WCO狼人杀中国公开赛的全称是werewolf(狼人杀)china open。 当然也可以简单翻译为,Kill the Wolf,游戏的重点在于杀死狼人,则获得胜利。狼人杀游戏的机制与杀人游戏相类似,杀人游戏更倾向于竞技,狼人杀游戏...
- Werewolf表示“(神话故事中的)可变成狼的人”,在《剑桥词典》中的英文释义为:an imaginary creature in stories that is a person who changes into a wolf。 The Werewolves of Miller's Hollowis a game that takes place in a small village...
狼人杀英文是Werewolf kill。例句:1、狼人杀是一款由由狼人杀(海南)文化传媒有限公司开发、网易代理发行的手机游戏。Werewolf kill is a mobile game developed by werewolf kill (Hainan) culture media Co., Ltd. and distributed by Netease.2、狼人杀游戏采用蒂姆伯顿画风,提供烧脑分析、严谨认真的...
1、The werewolves狼人杀The Werewolf is a desktop game combined language description、analytical ability and judge ability. The game is divided into two camps, werewolves and good people; In order to obtain the final victory, good guys have to vote to execute the werewolves, the werewolves have ...
1. 所有我们平常使用的“狼人杀词汇”的英文表达 2. 常见的狼人杀套路与技巧大公开 👉市面上常见的狼人杀分为两种: 1、一夜终极狼人杀 One night ultimate werewolf 2、标准局狼人游戏 The Werewolves of Miller's Hollow(standard) 👇👇👇 一夜终极狼人杀 ...
《狼人杀》(Werewolf)常用游戏角色英文表达 神职celestial 狼人werewolf 村民townsfolk; villager 预言家 Seer 女巫witch 猎人hunter 守卫guard 白痴idiot 参考: https://radii.co/article/werewolf-the-game-who-did-you-kill-last-night https://baike.baidu.com/item/狼人杀/8035581 ...
1、Rules Aim of the game For the villagers: to kill the werewolves. For the werewolves: To kill the villagers.The Cards :The WerewolvesEach night they eat a villager. During the day they appear as a normal villager in order to disguise their identity.The Villagers Each night one of them...