看人骂街则是最有戏剧性的一种。 尤其是当他喊出"Harris, you are fired"的时候。情绪一下子得到了满足。仿佛只要打倒那个黑人女子,他们的一切问题都将不复存在,生活会变好,世界会和平。 置身其中,你就像在一部纪实电影里面一样。前提是你与此无关。 不知为何,突然想起了《1984》里面每周一次的批判大会。里...
And roughly twenty minutes later endorsed Kamala Harris, who quickly consolidated Democratic support.大约二十分钟后,他支持了卡马拉·哈里斯,后者迅速巩固了民主党的支持。What the Trump campaign did not want to happen was for Kamala Harris to become the change candidate.特朗普竞选团队最不希望发生的事情...
Trump’s life included some of his most vocal critics, like former President Barack Obama, Vice President Kamala Harris, Senator Chuck Schumer of New York and Representatives Hakeem Jeffries of New York and Nancy Pelosi of California. 除拜登外,迅速谴责了针对特朗普的暗杀企图的民主党人中也包括一些...
“I have travelled the world as vice-president of the United States and world leaders are laughing at Donald Trump,” Harris said in one of her sharpest barbs. “I have talked with military leaders, some of whom were with you, and they say you're a disgrace.” ...
Vice-President Kamala Harris, the Democratic presidential candidate, has promised continued support for Ukraine. 美国民主党总统候选人、副总统卡玛拉·哈里斯承诺继续支持乌克兰。 Trump claimed that Routh was acting on Democrats' "highly inflammatory language". 特朗普声称,劳思是受到了民主党人“极具煽动性的...
Trump on Monday fired back at Howard Schultz, saying the former Starbucks CEO doesn't have the "guts" to run for president. "I only hope that Starbucks is still paying me their rent in Trump Tower!" Trump tweeted. 特朗普28日在推特上回击舒尔茨,称他没胆量去竞选总统。"我只希望,星巴克可以继...
- You mean in general or when pickin' a running mate? Both answers are yes. - Mr. Hiden, how do you pronounce Senator Harris's first name? - Hah, you can't trick me. I know there's no such person as Senator...
If you love America, you will vote for Trump and fire Kamala Harris. She failed us for 4 years. 红脖子2: 我的声音已经被听到了。我投票反对你和你所代表的一切,你这个绝对令人厌恶的女人。 My voice has already been heard. I voted AGAINST you and everythingyou represent, you absolute disgustin...
Kamala Harris(54)加州参议员,前加州司法部长,前三藩大区检察官 2016年后才成为参议员,资历不长 ...