截至2023年,特斯拉的留存收益已经为累计盈利279亿美元。 以上为特斯拉2023年资产负债表的主要内容,接下来我们继续解读利润表。 利润表 注:数据来源Tesla 2023 Annual Report 2023年新能源汽车行业的价格战异常激烈,特斯拉的毛利率也在2023年下落至18%,回到了2017-2019年的水平。即便如此,通过降价换来的销量增长,并没...
據凱利藍皮書(Kelley Blue Book)的數據,今年前三個月,電動汽車業季度環比增長放緩,美國售出了近26.9萬輛電動汽車,比2023年第四季度減少了7.3%。特斯拉一季度電動車全球銷量比去年同期下降13%以上,市場份額從2023年初的62%下降到現在的51%。福特本月宣佈,為...
Tesla closed the year 2023 as the world's largest all-electric car manufacturer, which might not be the case in 2024due to BYD's surge. The company's potential annual manufacturing output is estimated at over 2,350,000 units, according to the Q4 financial report (no change compared to it...
“Risk Factors”of the AnnualReport on Form 10-K for the fiscal year ended December 31,2023 and that are otherwise described or updated from time to timein our other filings with the Securities and Exchange Commission(the“SEC”).The discussion of such risks is not an indicationthat any ...
“Risk Factors”of the Annual Report on 10-K for the fiscalyear ended December 31,2023 and that are otherwise described or updated from time to time in our other filings with theSecurities and Exchange Commissionthe“SEC”.The discussion of such risks is not an indication that any such ...
Between the first quarter of 2023 and the first quarter of 2024, US electric vehicle sales grew an estimated 15%, according to a recent report by Cox Automotive. But, if you leave out Tesla, sales of other electric vehicles, as a group, ...
特斯拉财报显示,按照GAAP计算,该公司2019年总营收为245.78亿美元,净亏损8.62亿美元。华尔街分析师平均预计,特斯拉要到2023年才能达到证明其估值的49亿美元净利润。 苹果的年利润走势 相比之下,苹果2019财年营收为2601.74亿美元,净利润为552.56亿美元。大众汽车集团2018财年的销售收入为2358亿欧元(约合2590亿美元),营业利...
华尔街分析师平均预计,特斯拉要到2023年才能达到证明其估值的49亿美元净利润。 苹果的年利润走势 相比之下,苹果2019财年营收为2601.74亿美元,净利润为552.56亿美元。大众汽车集团2018财年的销售收入为2358亿欧元(约合2590亿美元),营业利润为171亿欧元(约合188亿美元)。 “特斯拉市值超过了戴姆勒企业价值的两倍,宝马的...
关注 今天凌晨,特斯拉 2023 年股东大会(Annual Shareholders Meeting)在得州超级工厂召开,马斯克不仅总结了特斯拉在过去一年的表现,还透露了一些未来的规划。 划重点: 在股东大会上,马斯克甚至抱着娃上来溜了一圈。但这不重要,我知道大家最关心的是什么,所以,我们先从新车开始。
these programs. In certain instances our customers may transfer such credits to us as contract consideration. In such transactions, they are included as a component of energy generation and storage revenues in our consolidated financial statements included elsewhere in this Annual Report on Form 10-K...