船长:Are ya ready kids?孩子们:Aye Aye Captain.船长:I can't hear you.孩子们:Aye Aye Captain!船长:OHHHHHHH, Who lives in a pineapple under the sea?孩子们:SpongeBob SquarePants!船长:Absorbent and yellow and porous is he!孩子们:SpongeBob SquarePants!船长:If nautical nonsense...
海绵宝宝主题曲中英文歌词匿名用户关注《海绵宝宝》主题歌The Pirate and Kids《海盗和孩子们》Captain: Are ya ready kids?船长:准备好了吗,孩子们?Kids: Aye Aye Captain.孩子:是的,船长。Captain: I can't hear you.船长:太小声咯。Kids: Aye Aye Captain!孩子:是的!船长!Captain: OHHHHHHH, Who lives...
海绵宝宝主题曲(中文..我爱小海绵。看到歌词就想唱起来~~~The Pirate and Kids 《海盗和孩子们》 Captain: Are ya ready kids? 船长:准备好了吗,孩子们? Kids: A
1、Are ya ready kids准备好了吗?孩子们海绵宝宝主题曲Are ya ready kids?Aye Aye Captain!I CAN'T HEAR YOU!AYE AYE CAPTAIN!ohhhhhh!Who lives in a pineapple under the sea?SPONGEBOB SQUAREPANTS!Absorbant and yellow and poreous is heSPONGEBOB SQUAREPANTS!His nautical nonsense be somethin you wish...
1. 海绵宝宝,海绵宝宝:歌词开头直接呼唤主角海绵宝宝,展现了其知名度和受欢迎程度。通过重复名称,凸显了歌曲的主题和氛围。2. 笑容满面温暖闪亮:这句歌词描绘了海绵宝宝一贯的形象特征——笑容满面。海绵宝宝的笑容传递出一种积极向上的正能量和生活的乐趣。同时“温暖闪亮”表现...
海绵宝宝主题曲中英文歌词 匿名用户 关注 《海绵宝宝》主题歌 The Pirate and Kids 《海盗和孩子们》Captain: Are ya ready kids?船长:准备好了吗,孩子们?Kids: Aye Aye Captain.孩子:是的,船长。Captain: I can't hear you.船长:太小声咯。Kids: Aye Aye Captain!孩子:是的!船长!Capta...