(1) File Storage Service: capable of running CIFS/NFS/FTP/HTTP/HTTPS and other standard communication protocols, and implementing file data sharing and access in a variety of operating systems, as well as supporting a number of advanced features including snapshot, clone, auto-reduction, remote ...
10、浪潮AS13000G6产品下属各子型号中命名特点中,说法错误的是?[单选题5分] [单选题](5分) A. AS13000G6-M产品中的M是指通用型产品。 B.
A. AS13000G6-M系列子型号产品适用于市面通用性能+大容量+高性价比需求场景。 B. AS13000G6-H/HN系列子型号产品适用于AI、科研研究、天文观测、视频监控等高性能需求场景。 C. AS13000G6-C/CG系列子型号产品适用于国家或各省市级春晓/信创项目需求场景。 D. AS13000G6-P系列子型号产品所选CPU为Intel Powe...