I got great exposure to the advances being made in science. But human progress is now being made, will be made, in the reduction of those inequalities—the betterment of the health and wealth and opportunities of英文版的续篇 the lives of all people. When I left Harvard, I knew no one w...
比尔盖茨疫情演讲稿英文古罗马 When I was a kid,the disaster we worried about most was a nuclear war.That's why we had a barrel like this down in our basement,filled with cans of food and water.When the nuclear attack came,we were supposed to go downstairs,hunker down,and eat out of ...
比尔盖茨夫妇斯坦福大学2021毕业典礼演讲稿(中英文) Bill Gates and his wife's speech at Stanford University 2021 graduation ceremony 比尔盖茨夫妇斯坦福大学2021毕业典礼演讲稿(中英文) 前言:演讲是指在公众场合,以有声语言为主要手段,以体态语言为辅助手段,针对某个具体问题,鲜明、完整地发表自己的见解和主张,...
TED 比尔盖茨:警惕一场全球性的病毒疫情灾难 2020-03-04 15:43:37109 切换-音频 00:00:00/ 00:00:00 高清 声音简介 The next outbreak? We're not ready the diS aster we worried about most was a nuc lear war. 我们最担心的灾害是核战争。
1、 P reside nt Bok, former P reside nt Rude nst ine, incoming P reside nt Faust, members of and esp ecially, the graduates: 1尊敬的Bok校长,Rudenstine 监管理事会的各位理事,各位老师, the Harvard Corpo rati on and the Board of Overseers, members of the faculty, parents, 前校长,即将...
演讲稿请看比尔盖茨Harvard中英文演讲稿111比尔· 盖茨哈佛毕业演讲稿 President Bok, former President Rudenstine, incoming President Faust, members of the Harvard Corporation and the Board of Overseers, members of the faculty, parents, and especially, the graduates: 尊重的Bok校长,Rudenstine前校长,即将上...
19、比尔盖茨哈佛大学毕业演讲(Bill Gates, 2007) 2018-05-28 22:25:2435:52 1.6万 所属专辑:经典英文演讲(附演讲稿)|英语演讲 喜欢下载分享 声音简介 President Bok, former President Rudenstine, incoming President Faust, members of the Harvard Corporation and the Board of Overseers, members of the ...
比尔盖茨哈佛大学中英对照演讲稿 比尔盖茨哈佛大学中英对照演讲稿 President Bok, former President Rudenstine, incoming President Faust, members of the Harvard Corporation and the Board of Overseers, members of the faculty, parents, and especially, the graduates: 尊敬的 Bok 校长,Rudenstine 前校长,即将上任...
比尔盖茨哈佛大学中英对照演讲稿 比尔盖茨哈佛大学中英对照演讲稿 President Bok, former President Rudenstine, incoming President Faust, members of the Harvard Corporation and the Board of Overseers, members of the faculty, parents, and especially, the graduates: 尊敬的 Bok 校长,Rudenstine 前校长,即将上任...