武康大楼英文介绍 TheWukang building, or Wu Kang Da Lou in Chinese, is one of the oldest and most renowned residential buildings in Shanghai. Built in 1919 and located in the former French Concession of Shanghai, the building has a unique historical and cultural significance. It exemplifies ...
【武康大楼英文版】This January marks the 130th anniversary of Laszlo Hudec's birthday. To commemorate this famous architect, Qiao Shanghai has launched the English version of "Inside Normandie Apartments". A signature building by Laszlo Hudec, the Normandie Apartments building on Wukang Road has be...
上海著名景点,用英文表示1.东方明珠广播电视塔:The Oriental Pearl Radio TV Tower东方明珠广播电视塔是上海的标志性文化景观之一,位于浦东新区陆家嘴,塔高约468米。该建筑于1991年7月兴建,1995年5月投入使用,承担上海6套无线电视发射业务,地区覆盖半径80公里。2.上海金茂大厦:Shanghai Jinmao Tower上海金茂大厦,位于上海...
武康大楼英文介绍武康大楼英文介绍 The Wukang Building, located in the Xuhui District of Shanghai, is a historical landmark that showcases the iconic architecture of the city and highlights the unique blend of Chinese and Western influenced designs. Built in 1924 during the Republic of China era,...
武康大楼(WuKang Building),曾用名诺曼底公寓,位于上海市徐汇区淮海中路1850号,武康路、兴国路、淮海路、天平路、余庆路口五街交汇处,是上海第一座外廊式公寓大楼。武康大楼始建于民国十三年(1924年),外形犹如一艘巨型航船。武康大楼占地面积1580平方米,建筑面积9275平方米,由万国储蓄会出资兴建,由旅居上海的...