13首经典英文歌歌词 1. Heal the world Child:Think about the generations and say that we wanna make it a better place for our children and our children's children,so that they know it's a better world for them.We think,think make a better place.(沉思那潮生潮灭,世代更迭说吧说我们...
1、《Try》——Colbie Caillat,歌词:Put your make up on化好妆容Get your nails done涂满指甲Curl your hair盘起长发Run the extra mile再跑一英里Keep it slim so they like you,保持苗条他们才会喜欢你do they like you?他们喜欢你吗?Get your sexy on展示你的性感Dont be shy, girl女孩 别害羞Take it...
此歌并非为失意者而作 No silent prayer for the faith-departed 丧失信仰者无权得到祈福 I ain't gonna(将要)be just a face in the crowd 我不甘为芸芸众生之一粟 You're gonna hear my voice 你将会听到我的声音 When I shout it out loud 当我大声呐喊出来 Chorus: It's my life 这是我的人生 ...
16. 《Be The One That You Wanna Be》(成为你想成为的人) You never know what life could bring, because nothing last forever. Just hold on to the team you played for. I know you could reach the top. Make sure that you won t stop. And be the one that you wanna be! 你永远不知道...
2009-12-03 激励人的英文歌,最好附上地址,把歌名,歌手和中文歌词打上。 2015-10-26 求一首英文歌的名字 在伦敦奥运会排球场上出现过 是一位女歌手... 1 2014-05-26 求一首歌,歌词中有我流浪的字段,女歌手唱的,中英文歌,歌名好... 2011-10-11 急!!!我想求一首英文歌名字,可是不知道歌词也不...
单依纯英文小甜歌《Tell Me》歌词MV 音乐 00:00/00:00 自动 倍速 1 看了还会看 妖精的尾巴55AHq2022年07月29日
双语歌词 Atbreak of day, in hope we rise 破晓之时 我们在希望中重新站起来 We speak your name, weliftour eyes 我们说出你的名字 我们抬起头 Tune our hearts into your beat 让我们心跟随你的节奏 Where we walk, there you'll be ...
Nothing’s Gonna Change My Love For You-方大同 If I had to live my life without you near me(假如没有你在身边的活)The days would be empty(将会是空虚的)The nights would seem so long(夜晚将是漫长的)With you I see forever oh so clearly(和你一起看见永远是那么清晰)I ...
#我和我的祖国英文版#英语听力 #每日推荐音乐 #英文歌曲 #英文翻唱