横向弛豫是指90°射频脉冲结束后( )Transverse relaxation is defined as () after the end of 90 ° RF pulse: A.Mxy由小变大的过程 The process of Mxy increasing to the maximumB.Mxy由大变为零过程 The process of Mxy decreasing from the maximum to zeroC.Mz由大变小的过程 The process of Mz ...
横向弛豫是指90°射频脉冲结束后,宏观磁化矢量: Transverse relaxation is defined as () after the end of 90 ° RF pulse: A、Mxy由小变大的过程 The process of Mxy increasing to the maximum B、Mxy由大变为零过程 The process of Mxy decreasing from the maximum to zero C、Mz由大变小的过程 The...