棘白菌素类1. In recent years,some novel antifungal agents have been developed,including new azoles such as vorriconazole and posaconazole,and echinocandins such as caspofungin and micafungin. 近年来,一些新的抗真菌药物相继问世,包括新三唑类(活力康唑、泊沙康唑等)和棘白菌素类(卡泊芬净、米卡芬净...
棘白菌素类 1. In recent years,some novel antifungal agents have been developed,including new azoles such as vorriconazole and posaconazole,and echinocandins such as caspofungin and micafungin. 近年来,一些新的抗真菌药物相继问世,包括新三唑类(活力康唑、泊沙康唑等)和棘白菌素类(卡泊芬净、米卡芬净...
a目前治疗侵袭性真菌感染的药物主要有三唑类如氟康唑、伏立康唑、伊曲康唑;多烯类如两性霉素B;棘白菌素类如卡泊芬净等 At present treats the attack fungus infection the medicine mainly to have triazole as for example fluorine Kang Zuo, Fu Likang zuo, Iraq Qu Kang zuo; Polyene as for example amp...