桑戍腐病 释义 armillariella root rot of white mulberry 桑戍腐病;
桑戍腐病armillarie 戍garrison 腊戍Lashio 桑mulberry 环戍烯cyclohexen 屈戍关节ginglymus 卫戍garrison 覆盖戍mulch 屈戍动关节amphidiart 屈戍状切骨术hinge 最新单词 斜向性英文怎么写plagiotrop 斜向地性用英语怎么说及英文怎么写plagiogeot 斜向地用英语怎么说及英文怎么写bias ...
桑戍腐病 2) defends 戍 例句>> 3) mulberry rust 桑赤锈病 1. Analysis of factors affecting on primary infection rates ofmulberry rust; 影响桑赤锈病初次发病率因素的分析 2. Mulberry rust,which is common in Guangxi as a fungal disease,seriously affects the yield and quality of mulberry leaves....