厨房玻璃上的水汽化开了黄昏,每一个沉浮的气泡都是一次日落。The water on the kitchen glass vaporized and opened at dusk, and every bubble was a sunset.在日历上倒数着开学的日子, 一点点期待, 一点点兴奋。 囤积很多花里胡哨的本子和笔,想到又能见到喜欢的男孩子就开心。想到又有一学期做不完的作...
You are the evening wind gradually subsides, if the Star River conceals a small parting, you are the light in the bright eyes in the early morning, you are the time to sing softly, just like the stars spread all over the alleys.你能让月色温柔,让流星闪烁。眨一眨眼睛,便能让银河坠落。...
Later I learned that in front of those who really care about you, your "good" and "worthy" do not need to be proved.往前走吧,不用害怕山脚的阴暗,山腰有花香,山顶有阳光。Go ahead, don't be afraid of the darkness at the foot of the mountain. There are flowers on the hillside and ...
希望你好,希望你顺利,即使有小坎坷,偶遇困顿,也终能化险为夷。I hope you'll have a good time. Even if there's a little bit of ups and downs, you'll get out of danger.各自坚守,各自自由,彼此深爱,各自孤独,等世间所有的相遇,也等所有与你的久别重逢。We hold fast to each other, we...