八里桥!解放前是通县界碑的位置,定福庄附近。解放后扩大北京市范围,于是通县与朝阳之界东移至八里桥~(*^__^*) 嘻嘻……前几天从报纸上知道的,现学现卖一下~
This is a modal window. The media could not be loaded, either because the server or network failed or because the format is not supported. 朝阳路往东,朝阳和通州分界处到西马庄收费站骑行 骑着大二八逛北京 发布时间:12-26 18:54
This is a modal window. The media could not be loaded, either because the server or network failed or because the format is not supported. 北京朝阳北路 地铁草房站到通州分界处 骑着大二八逛北京 发布时间:01-15 16:25