《月光女神》 中英文..现场演唱: http://www.tstvu.com/music/Sarah_Brightman_Scarborough_Fair.asf 歌词 pe
达娃卓玛 - 月光女神
月光女神 Are you going to Scarborough Fair?你去斯卡博罗集市吗?Parsley, sage, rosemary and thyme 那些芳香迷人的花儿啊 Remember me to one who lives there 记得代我问候那里的朋友 She once was a true love of mine 她曾经是我最爱的人 Tell her to make me a cambric shirt 告诉她为...
歌曲名称:月光女神歌手:莎拉布莱曼 歌曲时长:4分11歌曲语言:意大利语歌词:sarah brightman la luna Scende la notte, tranquillitaPiano il buio respiraSolo la luna veglieraCon argento ci copriraDal grande cielo splenderaSolo la luna vegliera La luna della notteDolcemente ci proteggeraLa luna della no...
月光女神莎拉布莱曼scarborough fiar 歌词急急急 匿名用户2023-10-27 17:19 Scarborough fair(斯卡布罗集派毁改市尘判) Are you going to scarborough fair? Parsley, sage, rosemary and thyme. Remember me to one who lives there. He once was a true love of mine. ...
[01:09.32]月光女神 [01:13.57]抹不去我的忧伤 [01:37.94]仿佛谁在轻轻吟唱 [01:42.00]歌声落进我的心房 [01:46.19]问声亲爱的帐篷 [01:50.51]是谁敲打我的山岗 [01:54.75]山顶迷人的月亮 [01:58.88]穿着似纱的霓裳 [02:03.13]轻轻落在我的怀中 ...
官方歌词是:(正版引进CD上附的)scen de la notte,tranquillita 夜幕落下,万籁俱寂。piano il buio respira 黑暗轻轻的呼吸。solo ia luna vegliera 只有月亮将会醒着,con argento ci coprira 照亮大地。dal grande cielo splendera 他将自无限的天空散发光芒,solo la luna vegliera 照亮整个夜晚...
[01:00.86] 月光女神[01:05.04] 带来淡淡的花香[01:09.32] 月光女神[01:13.57] 抹不去我的忧伤[01:37.94] 仿佛谁在轻轻吟唱[01:42.00] 歌声落进我的心房[01:46.19] 问声亲爱的帐篷[01:50.51] 是谁敲打我的山岗[01:54.75] 山顶迷人的月亮[01:58.88] 穿着似纱的霓裳[02:03.13] 轻轻落在我的怀中[02...