暑假英语周记100字【篇一】 My summer holiday begun on July 7th.I love summer holiday because I don't have to go to school and I can enjoy myself with my friends.I often spend the mornings doing my homework.And I always watch TV in the afternoon at home because it's very hot outside...
暑假到了,我和爸爸妈妈计划了一个特别的英语周。我们决定去郊外的一个小村庄,那里有一片美丽的向日葵田,阳光下金黄色的花朵像小太阳一样灿烂。 早上,我们带着相机和笔记本出发了。爸爸负责拍照,妈妈则记录我们的旅行日记。我呢,就负责用英语跟村民们打招呼,虽然一开始有点紧张,但很快就能流利地用英语交流了。 中...
暑假英语周记100字 六年级英语暑假日记100字带翻译(15篇) 第一篇: It was the first day of our summer holiday.All of us were very happy.Why?Because we have one months to do things we love to do.We are free.Although we have some homework.But we can finish them in several days.And the...
篇一:暑假英语周记100字 转眼间,我的暑假生活已经接近尾声。暑假里我过得既紧张又轻松。紧张的是我每天都要做两个多小时的暑假作业和弹两小时的钢琴,把我累得够呛!不过,等我完成作业以后,妈妈就允许我看精彩的动画片,晚饭后我还能到小区广场上玩,有时我们全家会一起去锻炼身体。暑假里,既...
我在暑假里的收获就是两句话:先苦后甜,最后是开心、快乐!先甜后苦,最后是悲惨、痛苦!这两句话告诉了我:肯先吃苦的人,最后是无穷的快乐,爱先吃甜的人,最后是无穷的痛苦、悲伤。 I feel that my performance in the whole second grade summer vacation is average, because I didn't arrange my time to ...
1、【暑假英语周记100字大全】英语周记大全暑假英语周记100字大全英语周记大全 周记基本意思是用文字记载一个星期以来自己的学习生活情况或身边发生的事。xxxx分享的英语周记大全,希望能帮助到大家英语周记大全 Iwenttovisitthegreatwallwithmyfriendsduringthesummervacationwewenttherebybusittookusabouttwohourstogetthereit...
放暑假了_英语周记100字带翻译 “耶,终于放假了”我拿着试卷冲出教室,我可以去我姐家玩了,一想到玩,甭提我有多高兴了,我姐说了,等我过去的时候,她会带我去游乐场、电影院等地方去玩。我这次的成绩还是不错的。我daddy说了,只要我考得好,就能玩去了,但我只能玩一个月,还有一个月我要去军训,我一定会...
高一英语周记 100 字带翻译记叙文 篇一:英语周记 100 字 Today,I am also very busy.Morning,I do household chores at home to help my mother,I would like to sweep again,the sweat haired.At noon,I saw“Journey to the West”,which is a very very good-looking classic drama.I like to watch...
It is my last day for this summer holiday.I think I should sum it up and memorize this unforgettable summer.Firstly,I went to Australia for a trip with my parents.We visited the Sydney Opera House and brought some gifts there.Secondly,I finished my homework very early this ...