智慧树知到英语话农史章节测试答案第一章1wugu五谷includessesame 智慧树知到《英语话农史》章节测试答案 第一章 1、Wu-gu (五谷) includes sesame. A:对 B:错 正确答案:错 2、Kuai zhi (脍炙) is a way of cooking meat. A:对 B:错 正确答案:对 3、"目光如豆" is similar to the American idiom ...
【答案】怀橘遗亲--keeping mandarins in secret for one’s parents 扇枕温衾--help cooling the bed with a fan in summer and warming the quilt with his body in winter 戏彩娱亲-- entertaining one’s parents 亲尝汤药--tasting herb medicine for one’s parents 第一章单元测试 4【判断题】 Ir...
选项:A:Crop seeds are sowed in the furrows in order to help them resist wind and preserve moisture.B:The furrows and ridges of the field are rotated every year.C:This farming method increases land-use efficiency.D:Crop seeds are sowed on the ridges in order to help them resist wind a...
答案: 【coming】 2、问题:“明日” in the Chinese idiom “明日黄花” refers to_. 选项: A:today B:tomorrow C:the next day D:the day after the Double Ninth Festival 答案: 【the day after the Double Ninth Festival】 3、问题:The poem “Night Rain” by Xu Zaisi (《夜雨》徐再思) implie...
答案:【错】 第二章 单元测试 1、单选题: What are the six domesticated animals, or “六畜” in Chinese? 选项: A:Sheep, horse, ox, pig, rooster, and dog. B:Pig, ox, sheep, tiger, dragon, and rooster. C:Ox, tiger, rabbit, snake, dog, and monkey. D:Horse, sheep, dog, rooster...
第一章测试Wu-gu(五谷)includessesame. A:错 B:对 答案:AKuaizhi(脍炙)isawayofcookingmeat. A:对 B:错 答案:A“目光如豆”issimilartotheAmericanidiomdescribingpeoplewhoareasblindasbats. A:错 B:对 答案:AIronisbelievedtofacilitateweightlossforfemales. A:错 B:对 答案:B“孔融让梨”and“推枣让梨...
答案:A 8.“桃李不言,下自成蹊” is a phrase used to acclaim Li Guang, a great general in the East Han dynasty. A:对 B:错 答案:B 第二章测试 9.What are the six domesticated animals, or “六畜” in Chinese? A:Pig, ox, sheep, tiger, dragon, and rooster. B:Sheep, horse, ox,...