《新英格兰医学杂志》(The New England Journal of Medicine)2023年6月1日目次6/6/20236336/6/2023 12:00:00 AMPERSPECTIVE · Ensuring a Reliable Platelet Supply in the United States · W. Riley, C.S. Cohn, K. Love, and J. McCullough2017-2019 · Supporting Robust Teamwork — Bridging ...
现代妇产科进展第18卷2009年1月31日至12月31日目次 正~~ - 《现代妇产科进展》 被引量: 0发表: 2010年 现代妇产科进展第21卷2012年1月31日至12月31日总目次XIANDAI FUCHANKE JINZHAN PROGRESS IN OBSTETRICS AND GYNECOLOGY Volume 21 31 Jan. to 31 Dec. 2012 total con... 正~~ - 《现代妇产科...
Methods In this randomised, placebo-controlled, double-blind, multicentre trial, we enrolled patients at 23 European hospitals who had been diagnosed with Parkinson's disease more than 3 years previously and had motor fluctuations not adequately controlled by medical treatment. Patients were randomly as...
, MDMarianna Spatola, MD,Alexandru Vlagea, MD,Simone Mattozzi, MD,, BS,Eloy Martinez-Heras, PhD,Sara Llufriu, MD,Jordi MuchartLaura Abraira, MD,German Moris, MD,Luis Monros-Giménezí?igo Corral-CorralManuel ToledoLuis Bataller , MD,Helena Ari?o, MD,Eugenia Martínez-Hernández, MD,Mane...
Between July 20, 2015, and Jan 26, 2017, 87 patients were recruited and randomly assigned to the aggressive (n=43) or symptom-guided (n=44) drainage groups. The mean daily breathlessness scores did not differ significantly between the aggressive and symptom-guided drainage groups (geometric mea...
日目次有介的好友,原名龟冈次竹,日目次(龟次)是绰号,是故事中第一个能完全理解"达尔米尔是神"这件事实的人。不过有严重的萝莉控倾向和变态倾向,想到或者看到变态事物时会流鼻血。多次因为听闻达尔米尔和有介各种好康的事件而变得失去冷静。曾做出对后辈K袭胸、掀起达尔米尔的衣服的变态行为 ...
现代妇产科进展 第12卷 2003年1月30日至11月30日目次 述 评子宫颈病变诊治技术的进展宋学红 ( 1)………论 著人类MⅡ期卵冷冻与复苏的初步实验研究陈... 现代妇产科进展 - 《现代妇产科进展》 被引量: 0发表: 2003年 现代妇产科进展 第18卷 2009年1月31日至12月31日 目次 摘要: - 《现代妇产科进展...
Research Effect of restricting the legal supply of prescription opioids on buying through online illicit marketplaces: interrupted time series analysis BMJ 2018; 361 doi: https://doi.org/10.1136/bmj.k2270 (Published 13 June 2018) Cite this as: BMJ 2018;361:k2270 ...
高HLA-DP表达式和移植物抗宿主病 Troponin and Cardiac Events in Stable Ischemic Heart Disease and Diabetes 肌钙蛋白和心脏事件稳定的缺血性心脏病和糖尿病 Elotuzumab Therapy for Relapsed or Refractory Multiple Myeloma 人源化IgG1单克隆抗体Elotuzumab疗法针对复发或多发性骨髓瘤 ...