The game has encountered an error and will now shutdown.Please refer to for help if the issue persists and include this token as reference:86368_0x2112B_ST76561198171965011(Token has been copied to clipboard)---这个是啥原因那。。。什么分辨率也调了,游戏完整性...
求助:之前玩的好好的..如题,删存档,重新下游戏都不好使,总是会显示The game has encountered an error and will now shutdown显卡驱动什么的都是最新的了,昨天还玩的好好的呢
The game has encountered an error and will now shutdown.Plese refer tohttps://hellogames.zendesk...
steam无人深空启..我之前玩游侠的无人深空联机版都没问题,在steam上买了个正版确打不开,一次都没打开过。启动就卡住然后报错:The game has encountered an error and will now