3 In previous times, people didn't have a solid idea of childhood as being separate from adulthood. A hundred years ago, no one thought of adolescence. Until recently it was understood as a norm that their induction to adulthood was completed as soon as they graduated from college. They wo...
I needed a boyfriend.Not just any boyfriend. He had to be cute. My goal that semester became: Be ambitious and grab the cutest boyfriend I can find. 3 他骑着自行车经过我的宿舍,装作与我“偶遇”,看到我时还假装惊讶。我喜欢被重视的感觉,但对他的野性和充满活力的个性却小心谨慎。他很会说话,...
3 The paradox is that every day we get two sets of messages at odds with each other. One is the "permissive" perspective, "Buy, spend, get it now. You need this!" The other we could call an "upright" message, which urges us, "Work hard and save. Suspend your desires. Avoid luxu...