Lesson 69 The car race 单击添加副标题 单击此处添加文本具体内容,简明扼要地阐述你的观点 Who was the winner? New words and expressions race Year 数词+years + old 多大年纪 Every year, last year, this year, next year be + in the race 参加比赛(可用于人或物)(3)be + at the race 观看...
< Lesson69-70(课件)新概念英语第一册.pptx搜索 新概念英语Lesson 69 The car raceTeacher :Andrew 阅读原文 下载APP
Whereisit?atthegrocer’satthegreengrocer’s Ifyouwanttobuysomepens,envelopes,glueand,whereareyou?atthestationer’s Denmark Poland India 年、月、季节要加in星期、日期要加onat、at几点了 【in】是“大姐”,由于背面所接的都是较长时间(月、年、季节等)。【on】是“二姐”,背面所接的时间多与日期有...
新概念英语第一册 Lesson69-70课件.pptx,The car raceLesson 69-70New Concept English 1 目录CONTENTSWords 0102Reading03GrammarSummary04 01Words Wordsrace Wordstown Wordsdownbrowntown Wordscrowd Wordsleft Wordswinner Wordsway Wordsfinish Wordsexciting Review
Lesson69-Lesson70(课件)新概念英语第一册 NewWords Revison零售商greengrocer 缺席的absent处于keep度过spend乡村country幸运的lucky Lesson69 Thecarrace words year finish race town exciting stand crowd words justway winnerbehind phrases acarrace everyyearin1995 averybigrace hundredsofontheleft inthecrowd phra...
新概念英语第一册课件NCE1lesson69-70(共81页).pptx,Welcome back! New Words 零售商 缺席的 处于 度过 乡村 幸运的 Revison lucky country spend keep absent greengrocer Lesson 69 The car race words finish town crowd exciting stand year race words behind way ju
Lesson 69-70 A car race(课件)-新概念英语第一册 .pptx,Revision start/stopWed.Tue.Fri.Sun.乳制品店Sat.Mon.周末 be动词am iswasarewere我昨天在蔬果店。他上周缺课了。 刚刚他们在教室里。I was at the greenrocer’s yesterday. He was absent from school last week
新概念英语第一册lesson69-70standv.站立n.讲台;舞台;货摊v.坐落;忍受standfor代表;意味着standup站起来sitv.坐 sitdown坐下去 新概念英语第一册lesson69-70standv.站立Iamstanding.Wearestanding.Wearestandingontheleft.我们正在左边站着。新概念英语第一册lesson69-70Thegamewasexciting.新概念英语第一册lesson69...