掌[zhǎng] 1. 本义:(动)手心;手掌:鼓~。 2. (动)用手掌打:~嘴。 3. (动)掌管;掌握:~舵|~权。 4. (名)某些动物的脚掌:熊~|鸭~。 5. (名)马蹄铁。 6. (名)(~儿)钉或缝在鞋底前部、后部的皮子或橡胶:后~儿|钉一块~。 7. (动)〈方〉钉补鞋底:~鞋。 8. (Zhǎnɡ)姓...
掌翻译 拼音:zhǎng 英语翻译: control; horseshoe; palm; shoe sole; sole 【医】 metacarpus; palm; palma; palma manus; palmae; torus manus; vola 相关词条: 1.palm2.table3.metacarpus 例句: 他用手掌揉了揉前额。 He rubbed his palm across his forehead....
释义 掌[zhǎng] 名 1.palm ♦击掌 2.the bottom of certain animals' feet; pad; sole ♦鸭掌 3.shoe sole or heel ♦鞋子打前后~ have a shoe soled and heeled 4.horseshoe ♦这匹马该钉~了。 It's time for the horse to be shod. ...
英语词典 掌 / zhang / zhang 1.the palm (of a human hand) 2.the sole (of a human foot) 3.the foot of certain animals and birds 4.to control 汉语词典 掌[zhang] 手心,脚心:掌心。手掌。脚掌。鼓掌。易如反掌。 用巴掌打:掌嘴。
掌 添加到生词本 英汉-汉英词典 zhǎng control horseshoe palm shoe sole metacarpus 用户正在搜索 hypatmism,hypautochthonouscoal,hypautochthony,hypautomorphic,hypaxial,hypazoturia,hype,hypectasia,hypectasis,hyped-up, 相似单词 涨缩盒,涨缩卷筒,涨停,涨停板,涨压,掌,掌部,掌部的,掌灯,掌舵, ...
掌的英文: in charge of palm of hand 参考例句: The rebellions turn liquid without becoming black 孽掌蜂腾 To twixt around one’s finger 玩弄于掌股之上 The appreciative audience applauded. 有欣赏力的观众鼓了掌。 The deposed chief was restored(to power/to his throne). ...
掌[zhang,] “掌 ”的英语翻译 词典解释 zhang 1.the palm (of a human hand) 2.the sole (of a human foot) 3.the foot of certain animals and birds 4.to control 相关词语 掌灯掌舵掌骨掌故掌故之学掌管掌柜掌权掌上炒股掌上电脑掌上明珠掌声掌纹掌握掌握进攻节奏掌心掌印 ...
掌 in charge ofpalm of hand 相关短语 on charge of 被指控 in charge adv.主管,看管,在...看管下 charge for 为...收费 How much do you charge for your eggs? 你的蛋卖多少钱? 同义参见: bill1 no charge 免收费用 at no charge 免费,不花钱地 in the charge of 由…保管,在…的率领下 charg...