TPO51第一篇文章Memphis: United Egypt’s First Capital 原文+答案: 有需要练习的小伙伴赶快来这里练习吧~祝大家学习苦且乐~! 建议做题时间:20min 答案:1-5. B A D A C; 6-10. A B D C D ; 11-14. C B A acF 杰哥托福阅读:线上阅读营创作之路:4年专注,不计投入,只为更好10 赞同 · 1...
O the fact that oil contains nitrogen and other compounds believed to be of organic origin 4. According to paragraph 2, which of the following is true of the change of solid organic material into oil and gas? O It is more likely to occur along the base of continental slopes than on the...
『新东方在线托福听力』为托福考生准备了ETS托福TPO/Official 58 Passage 1阅读练习,TPO/Official 58 Passage 1原文答案解析,TPO/Official 58 Passage 1阅读原文练习音频翻译。
『新东方在线托福听力』为托福考生准备了ETS托福TPO/Official 50 Passage 1阅读练习,TPO/Official 50 Passage 1原文答案解析,TPO/Official 50 Passage 1阅读原文练习音频翻译。
🌱 托福阅读72-1《Invading Algae》 题目:How could we predict the fate of the species? 答案:D. It introduced and allowed to destroy it in the natural environment. 解析:原文提到,入侵的藻类通过改变环境条件,对当地生物造成了影响。因此,通过观察这些变化,可以预测物种的命运。
托福阅读TPO23原文及答案之Seventeenth-Century Dutch Agriculture Agriculture and fishing formed the primary sector of the economy in the Netherlands in the seventeenth century. Dutch agriculture was modernized and commercialized new crops and agricultural techniques raised levels of production so that they ...
10. 做真题,得高分,好录取。 托福真题网 答案+we-chat : wutangyufa
托福阅读真题第 170 篇 EarlyModernlndustrialization (答 案文章最后) Early Modern Industrialization Paragraph 1 : Industrial output increased smartly across nearly all of Europe between 1450 and 1575. Although trade with the Americas had something to do with this, the main determinants of this ...
托福阅读真题及答案:PASSAGE 1 在整个托福阅读的过程中,每篇文章的阅读时间规定为是20分钟。当然,除了文章外还有答题,对于很多人来说,这个时间还是非常紧张的。以下是小编整理的关于托福阅读真题及答案:PASSAGE 1,供大家备考。 PASSAGE 1 By the mid-nineteenth century, the term "icebox" had entered the American...