托福考试全真题及答案 一、阅读部分 1.阅读文章:The Industrial Revolution 问题1:文章中提到的工业革命对农业的影响是什么? A.农业产量大幅下降 B.农业机械化程度提高 C.农业成为工业革命的主要动力 D.农业逐渐被工业取代 答案:B.农业机械化程度提高 问题2:工业革命期间,城市人口的增长主要原因是什么? A.农村...
托福考试真题和答案 一、阅读部分 1.阅读文章:The Origin of Theater 问题:What is the main purpose of the passage? 答案:The main purpose of the passage is to discuss the possible origins of theater. 2.阅读文章:The Impact of the Industrial Revolution 问题:According to the passage, what was ...
托福考试真题与答案托福考试真题与答案Section One: Listening Comprehension1.(A) She'll type the man's paper for him.(B)The computer won't be available immediately.(C) The man should be more patient.(D) She doesn't want the man to use her computer.2.(A) Read the woman's letter.(B...
2024年9月托福考试独立写作真题汇总 9月的托福考试线下考学术讨论题新题不断。本期内容,我们把9月考过的学术写作题目汇总分享给大家,希望能够帮助到正在备考的同学,一起来看看吧~ 9.22日学术讨论 题目大意:你认为政府应该为艺术家提供财政支持吗? Doctor Diaz We've been discussing government budgets and the diff...
历年托福考试真题汇编(含答案) ——实用的辅导资料:资源库/知识清单/划重点/学霸笔记—— 第8页,共28页9/16 历年托福考试真题汇编(含答案) ——实用的辅导资料:资源库/知识清单/划重点/学霸笔记—— 第9页,共28页9/16 历年托福考试真题汇编(含答案) ——实用的辅导资料:资源库/知识清单/划重点/学霸笔记—...
托福考试真真题和答案 一、阅读部分 Passage 1: The Origin of Theater 1. What is the main purpose of the passage? A. To describe the history of theater B. To explain the origin of theater C. To discuss the social impact of theater D. To analyze the different types of theater Answer: B...
托福考试真题及答案 一、阅读部分 Passage 1: The Origin of Theater 1. What is the main purpose of the passage? A. To discuss the historical development of theater B. To argue that theater originated from religious ceremonies C. To describe the various forms of ancient theater D. To explain ...
托福考试阅读真题.pdf,sustain=continue profoundly=deeply Passage Two 学科分类:生物类 题目 :Tree Species Identification in Tropical Rain Forests 内容回忆: 151115CN-P3 Tree Species Identification in Tropical Rain Forests Identifying tree species in tropi
托福考试听力真题 1 C1: 校园对话 学生找老师讨论一个poem reading的活动,因为原来准备参加的W教授有事不能来了,会有另一个PG教授来做演讲,然后介绍了这个人的诗歌风格有关孤独,能够引起大家的共鸣。随后说到为了给社团poem club筹钱,学生想要卖postcards赚钱,上面会写一些特别的诗且每一张都不相同。学生想要老师...