1977-2024年,一共48年的致股东信,比我的年龄都大,在“下载—翻译—粘贴”的过程中,我仿佛感受到了时间的厚度。本来打算按照时间顺序慢慢更新此系列,但是2025年2月22日晚公布了最新一年致股东信,所以插个队,让豆包AI优先给翻译一下。 粘贴上不算完,我一定要看一遍,至少用公众号语音功能听一遍,加油! 致伯克希尔...
巴菲特致股东信2024年 英文原文 (中英文实用版) Title: Buffett's Letter to Shareholders 2024 Dear Shareholders, As we step into another year of Berkshire Hathaway's journey, I am delighted to report our continued progress and achievements. The past year has been filled with challenges and ...
巴菲特到沃顿商学院读书时,是一个十六七岁的青年,父母不放心,就找了一个街坊Charles Peterson,是一个二战退伍的老兵,也在这个大学读书,安排巴菲特跟他一直住。 这个街坊兼室友Charles Peterson,投资了5千美元。 巴菲特合伙公司,根据其描述的利益分享。个人解读是: 巴菲特不收取管理费,只收取业绩提成。 年4%以下的部...
链接:《巴菲特致股东的信(1968)解读》 1969年巴菲特致股东的信:我希望大家得知我退休的愿望 链接:《巴菲特会股东的信(1969)原文》 链接:《巴菲特致股东的信(1957-1969)解读》 1970年巴菲特致股东的信:为何购买债券及购买哪些债券 链接:《巴菲特会股东的信(1970)原文》 1971年巴菲特致股东的信:保险业务表现异常的...
巴菲特致股东的信原文精读Day593: 原文:Charlie and I believe Berkshire should be a fortress of financial strength — for the sake of our owners, creditors, policyholders and employees. We try to be alert to any sort of mega-catastrophe risk, and that posture may make us unduly apprehensive ab...
巴菲特致股东的信原文精读Day171:巴神原文:If you instead focus on the prospective price change of a contemplated purchase, you are speculating. There is nothing improper about that. I know, however, that I am unable to speculate successfully, and I am skeptical of those who claim sustained ...
market should go considerably higher our policy will be to reduce our general issues as profits present themselves and increase the work-out portfolio. All of the above is not intended to imply that market analysis is foremost in my mind. Primary attention is given at all times to the ...
巴菲特致股东的信原文精读Day254:巴神原文:The disadvantages of owning marketable securities are sometimes offset by a huge advantage: Occasionally the stock market offers us the chance to buy non-controlling pieces of extraordinary businesses at truly ridiculous prices—dramatically below those commanded ...
链接:《巴菲特致股东的信(1958)原文》 链接:《巴菲特致股东的信(1958)解读》 1959年巴菲特致股东的信:我宁愿承受因过于保守而带来的惩罚,也不愿面对这样错误的后果,即相信树能够涨到天上的“新时代”理念而导致永久性的资本损失。 链接:《巴菲特致股东的信(1959)原文》 ...
一些平台第一时间将巴老2020年致股东信译出,当时读来总体还行,但总感觉有些地方些许疙瘩。逐字读毕巴老原文,发现了少许明确的误译,所以还是决定自己重译全文,一来供自己咀嚼,二来也供读者商榷。 比如,某平台对Daily Journal2020年会的翻译中,关于“氢能”那段就有一些明显的误译。译者搞混了gas和gasoline,将“天然...