全程序实测法 1) all-process monitoring method 全程序实测法 2) RP Real Programs 实程序〖测试〗 3) substantive & procedural laws 程序法与实体法 例句>> 4) Hard Real-Time Measurement and Control Software 硬实时测控程序 5) computer algorithm and programimplementation...
2实测法。通过实测数据与施工规范及质量标准所规定的允许偏差对照,来判别质量是否合格。其检查法的手段归纳为靠、吊、量、套。问题补充:匿名 2013-05-23 12:26:38 2 measurement method. Through field measurements and construction: a specification and quality standard stipulated tolerances, to distinguishing ...
田间实测法2) field experiment 田间实验 1. Method: Orthogonally designed field experiments with three factors and three levels,comparing the characters of cultivated plants and the wild ones of P. 方法:3因素3水平正交设计田间实验,并将种植叶下珠与野生叶下珠进行性状比较。 更多例句>> ...