定端矩 2) fixed end moment 定端力矩 3) encastre moment 端部固定矩 4) End to end distance 末端矩 5) End moment 端弯矩 1. According to the nonlinear differential equation of corroded reinforced concrete beam,the expression is given by the coordination coefficient of the corroded reinforced concre...
沪江词库精选定端矩的英语怎么说、英语单词怎么写、例句等信息 fixed end momentfixing moment 相似短语 fixed capital n. 固定资本 fixed ammonium 铵固定 fixed aperture 固定光阑 fixed area 固定磁鼓存储面积,固定区域 fixed attenuator 固定衰减器 fixed axis 固定轴 fixed base 固定基面 fixed bolt ...