第一篇:大学本科学位证英语英文翻译件 Diploma of Bachelor’s Degree ***, female, born on July 1st 1989, having completed the undergraduate program in *** majoring in English(English-French Bilingual Direction), is granted graduation.PHOTO In accordance with The Registration on Academic Degree of ...
This is to certify that***, female, born in 06thSep 1992has studied for 4 yearsin Qufu Normal University majoring in Chemical Engineering and Technology, has completed all the courses prescribed in the Teaching Programme, and has been granted graduation. In accordance with the academic degree...
一、寻找正规途径,确保翻译 首先,明确一点:出国留学所需的毕业证与学位证翻译,绝非随意找家打印店就能解决的。务必寻找具有翻译资质的正规翻译公司,他们能提供准确、的翻译服务,并会在翻译件上加盖翻译章与译员章,这是官方认可的重要标志。别小看这一步,它直接关乎到你的材料能否被国外院校或签证官所接受。
摘要:翻译咨询:微信:fanyi51 ;手机:15202012581 出国留学申请毕业证学位证中英文翻译件怎么弄?在办理出国留学方面,都会遇到需要提交留学材料翻译的情况,常见的留学材料比如学位证、毕业证、成绩单以及获奖证书、荣誉证书等等,都会涉及到翻译,翻译方面也必须有涉外资格的翻译认证公司提供服务,对翻译内容的准确性和真实性...
毕业证学位证英文翻译件模板广西大学毕业证、学位证英文模板 DIPLOMA Certificate No:⑴ This is to certify that⑵,⑶, born on⑷, majoring in⑸in our university from September(6)toJune(7)and has completed the requirements as stipulated in a(8)-year undergraduate program with satisfactory results and...
a请将你的基本资料,年龄,学历(学士学位证),教师资格证,国籍,护照首页复印件以电邮的方式发给我们,谢谢! Please yours basic document, the age, the school record (bachelor's degree card), the teacher qualifications card, the nationality, the passport home page copy issue by the electricity postal way...
在读证明、毕业证/学位证英文翻译件办理程序 在校生因出国留学或赴境外短期交流学习、实践等办理在读证明、毕业证及学位证英文翻译件须按以下程序: 1)持学院出具的说明信(须注明姓名**别、所在学院、年级、专业、学号、身份证号以及需要开具证明的份数)交至国际处综合科; 2)国际处审核材料后,以学校信笺纸出具在...
精华评论 何足道008 当然要公证处盖章,关键是责任问题,如果到时造假,要有承担责任的单位 moolvie 到当地公证处交几百块钱帮你一切都搞定,而且,这个钱是必须要花的,否则国外不认可, aoge3 哦。那成绩单要不要公正啊? moolvie 如果有学校盖章的英文成绩单就不需要,如果只有中文,需要;或者翻译,让学校盖章。