Mr. Li Jinyuan founded Tiens Group in Tianjin in 1992. After years of global development, especially the 'Belt and Road' initiative over the past 10 years, it has become an international enterprise group spanning the fields of biotechnology, health manag
Mr. Li Jinyuan founded Tiens Group in Tianjin in 1992. After years of global development, especially the 'Belt and Road' initiative over the past 10 years, it has become an international enterprise group spanning the fields of biotechnology, health manag
李金元先生,天狮集团董事长,天狮美景爱心基金会会长。1958年出生于河北省沧县,毕业于南开大学国际商学院,高级经济师,享受国务院政府特殊津贴专家。著有《新置换理论》、《李金元和天狮集团》、《天狮大事记》、《天狮集团的全球发展:置换、超越与中国成功》,并在天狮集团经营管理中取得了跨越式发展的良好效果。 李金元先...
天狮集团董事会主席 李金元先生 大家好,我于1992年在天津创立天狮集团,始终致力于爱党爱国。坚持与党中央保持高度一致,始终认为,企业小时是个人的,企业大了是社会的,更是国家的,不论业务开拓到哪个国家,根永远在中国,魂永远在祖国。经过多年全球发展,特别是近10年来努力践行“一带一路”倡议,已成为一家横跨生物科...
Mr. Li Jinyuan founded Tiens Group in Tianjin in 1992. After years of global development, especially the 'Belt and Road' initiative over the past 10 years, it has become an international enterprise group spanning the fields of biotechnology, health manag
Mr. Li Jinyuan founded Tiens Group in Tianjin in 1992. After years of global development, especially the 'Belt and Road' initiative over the past 10 years, it has become an international enterprise group spanning the fields of biotechnology, health manag
在110多个国家和地区设立分支机构,业务辐射224个国家和地区 天狮集团——大中华区 大中华区总部地址:天津市武清开发区新源道北18号 大中华区联系电话:400-083-8989 大中华区 地址:天津市武清开发区新源道北18号 联系电话:400-083-8989 天狮云购 五星红旗——中国 ...