大卫科波菲尔原文摘抄英语 David Copperfield, by Charles Dickens, is a story about a boy named David who grows up into a kind and clever young man, despite the many difficulties he faces. David's childhood is filled with tragedy and sadness; his father dies shortly after his birth, his ...
《大卫科波菲尔》 天色开始转暗了,我关上了窗子(大部分时间里,我都头倚在窗台上那么躺着,哭一阵,睡一阵,茫然地朝外面看一阵),这时钥匙转动了,默德斯通小姐拿了一点面包、肉和牛奶进来。她把这些东西放到桌子上,用那典型的坚定神情看看我就出去了,并在身后把门又锁上。 天黑下来好久了,我还坐在那儿,心想不知...
大卫科波菲尔原文摘抄英语 David Copperfield is a novel written by Charles Dickens, which was first published in 1850. The story is about the life of David Copperfield, who goes through various ups and downs in his life. Below are some excerpts from the novel: 1. 'Whether Ishall turn out to...