商务电子邮件范文 篇1 ___公司: 由于我方项目的需求,特邀请贵公司专业顾问人员对我方项目进行实地考察,届时将与贵公司商议双方合作事宜。 考察日期: 考察人数: 考察内容: 所有考察费用由我方负担,考察人员的住宿条件将不低于三星级酒店的标准。 我方联系人: 联系方式: 请贵方予以确认并回复。 单位负责人签字:___...
商务英语邮件范文 篇1 其他付款方式OtherModesofPayment K oppermann GmbH Schubert strasse 16, K-2618, Hamburg, Germany Telefon: 1 41 61 00 00 Telefax: 0 41 61 00 01 2 April 200# Ms Ni Minzhi 3W Co. Ltd. 3B Guihua Road Shanghai 20xx33 ...
英语商务邮件范文1 道歉与解释 Appology Dear Mr. / Ms, We are sorry we cannot send you immediately the catalogue and price list for which you asked in your letter of March 10. Supplies are expected from the printers in two weeks and as soon as we receive them, we will send you a copy...
商务邮件是商务往来中人们互相联系, 彼此交往,交流思想,沟通信息,洽谈事物所使用的. 一种应用文体。下面是店铺整理的一些商务英语邮件格式和范文,希望能帮到大家! 商务英语邮件格式 subject: Introduction Dear Sir/Madam, We are pleased to introduce Mr. Wang You, our import manager of Textiles Department. Mr...
一旦你已正确键入了称呼语,你就準备开始撰写该封电子邮件的内容了。一种替书信往来开头的普遍方式就是陈述你写信的原因。下面列出了一些这类的常见用语: Another common way to begin an e-mail is to mention a specific item or previous event that the person you are writing to is familiar with. For ex...
英文商务邮件范文 篇1 Dear Mr. Jones: Thank you for your inquiry of 16 March. We are pleased to hear that you are interested in our product "toaster". We've enclosed the photo and detailed information of the product for your reference: ...
英文商务邮件范文 篇1 Dear Mr. Jones: Thank you for your inquiry of 16 March. We are pleased to hear that you are interested in our product "toaster". We've enclosed the photo and detailed information of the product for your reference: Product: toaster Specification: Package: 1pcs/box Pri...
篇章1:中文商务电子邮件格式: 在电子邮件的写作中要注意哪些呢?如何写好一封规范的电子邮件呢? 在写电子邮件时候,要采用日常办公运用的商业信函格式,使用正规的文字,不用或避免应用网络语言,诸如3Q、IFU等。 主题栏:主题明确,一目了然,让人看了知道个所以然,不会是一头雾水,不知所云,当作垃圾邮件删除掉。
商务邮件正文范文 篇1 Dear Mr. Jones: We have received your letter of 9th April showing your interest in our complete product information. Our product lines mainly include high quality textile products. To give you a general idea of the various kinds of textiles now available for export, we ...