英语四级听力课堂记录 关于碰见,偶遇 come across run into bump into happen to meet 关于花钱、花费的词 Take Spend Cost Charge Pay Buy 关于水 water running / tap ~ 自来水 fresh ~ 活水 still ~ 死水 pure ~ 纯净水 purified ~ 净化水 mineral ~ 矿泉水 ...
听力原文: 5.W: Can you give us your e-mail address, so we can get back to you as soon as possible? M: I`ll send you an e-mail so we don`t have to do the spellings on the phone. Okay? Q: What are the speakers doing?
英语四级听力课堂笔记分享 工作场景: 找到工作高兴 失去工作伤心 拒绝工作奇怪 参见[P27-2] [P47-1] A) To change the tennis shoes in the sportswear department. B) To help his friend find the right department. C) To find his lost shoes on the tennis court. ...
英语四级备考听力课堂笔记 关于碰见,偶遇 come across run into bump into happen to meet 关于花钱、花费的词 Take Spend Cost Charge Pay Buy 关于水 water running / tap ~ 自来水 fresh ~ 活水 still ~ 死水 pure ~ 纯净水 purified ~ 净化水
英语四级听力课堂笔记(12)由查字典英语网提供, 7.表示不得不 have to 表示客观上不得不做某事 must 主观上的必须做某事 be bound to cannot but have no choice but 8.表示迟到 behind time be delayed / overdue behind schedule be lat
英语四级听力课堂笔记(11)发布时间:2016-03-02 编辑:查字典英语网小编4.表示同意、附和的句型 I agree with you Exactly I couldnt agree with you more / better I think so I cant wait any minute Believe it or not I will if 假如我就会 Its my turn 轮到我了 我请客 Why not ? You are right...