双鸠尾键 2) splay piece 鸠尾形键 3) double dovetail bar 双鸠尾片 4) dovetail[英]['dʌvteɪl] [美]['dʌv'tel] 鸠尾 1. Thedovetailof occlusion were prepared in the one group,the two retention grooves were prepared in the buccal or lingual axial angle in the other group. ...
双鸠尾键 释义 double dovetail key 银锭榫; dovetail dowel 双鸠尾键;
沪江词库精选双鸠尾键英文怎么写及英文单词、英语单词怎么写、例句等信息 double dovetail keydovetail dowel 相似短语 in double 一式两份 on the double 赶紧,跑步走,迅速地 on the double 跑步 double as v.兼饰两角 at the double 跑步,快速地 double for v. 替代演出 TO DOUBLE 替身[尤指特技...