沪江词库精选双辊轴筛英文怎么写、英语单词怎么写、例句等信息 two-roll grizzly 相似短语 roll into v.滚进,卷成,使合为一体 roll with it 随意滚动;(引申)由它去吧 roll with 因...而转动 to roll 颠簸,摇摆 roll on (指衣物)(能卷过肢体而穿上) roll by 匆匆逝去,驶过 roll in v....
双辊轴筛 2) axle screen 辊轴筛 1. Investigation of prolonging service life of the mesh pieces ofaxle screen; 延长辊轴筛筛片使用寿命的研究 3) roll screen 辊筛 4) double shaft vibrating screen 双轴式振动筛 5) twin cone rollers axle-mill ...