双形蕈酸 拼音shuāng xíng xùn suān 英语翻译 【医】 biforminic acid; bioforminic acid 分词翻译 双的英语翻译:both; double; even; twin; two; twofold【化】 dyad【医】 amb-; ambi-; ambo-; bi-; bis-; di-; diplo-; par 形的英语翻译:appear; body; compare; entity; form; look; ...
沪江词库精选双形蕈酸用英语怎么说及英文怎么写、英语单词怎么写、例句等信息 【医】 biforminic acid bioforminic acid 相似短语 biforminic acid 【医】 双形蕈酸 翻译推荐 双形 dimorphism 双栉形的 bipectinat 双形蚤属 Amphalius 双形晶 double 双碗形 double 双形蕈素 biformin 双箱...
双形蕈酸2) biformin [bai'fɔ:min] 双形蕈素3) mushroom body 蕈形体 1. The characteristics of glial patterns during postembryonic in mushroom body of the honeybee Apis cerana cerana were studied based on the method of anatomy and immunohistochemistry(5-bromo-2-deoxyuridine,BrdU ...