Chengdu paired up with three new international friendship cities: Tunis (the capital of Tunisia), Victoria (the capital of Seychelles), and Melbourne (Australia). Additionally, it has elevated its partnership with Yekaterinburg, R...
ending the history of no sister cities in Zhengzhou.Subsequently, Zhengzhou reached out further and became a sister city to Richmond of the United States, Jinju of Korea, Samara of Russia, and Schwerin of Germany. At the same time...
Chengdupaired up withthree new international friendship cities: Tunis (the capital of Tunisia), Victoria (the capital of Seychelles), and Melbourne (Australia). Additionally, it has elevated its partnership with Yekaterinburg, Russia as international sister cities. This brings the total number of inte...
国际友好城市(International Sister Cities)是指来自不同国家的城市之间为了增进友好交流和互助合作而建立互为友好关系的一种形式。这种友好城市关系的建立可以促进两个城市之间的文化、经济、教育、体育等各个领域的交流合作,助力城市的发展和国际化的进程。 在国际友城的交流合作中,需要制定可行的下步工作计划,以确保友...
在成都与波恩建立友好城市关系10周年之际,当2019成都世界警察与消防员运动会即将来临,《西望成都》双语记者跟随“成都媒体访友城”活动去到了成都的国际友城德国波恩和比利时弗拉芒·布拉邦省,用Vlog的形式记录下了成都与国际友城之间的深厚情谊。 This year marks the 10th anniversary of Chengdu-Bonn sister-city rela...
They were created by sculptors from Chengdu’s sister cities. Are there any stories about how they came into being? Looking West to Chengdu was there to record the creation of these symbols of friendship. 2018年底,在坐落于锦城湖畔的桂溪生态公园里,象征着成都与国际友城波兰罗兹深厚友谊的雕塑“友谊...
【中国代表团抵美参加第六届中美友城大会】当地时间周四下午,第六届中美友城大会美国主办方国际姐妹城协会 (Sister Cities International)在位于华盛顿州塔科马市的西娅公园和平广场举行欢迎仪式,迎接抵达美国参会的中国代表团的到来。仪式除了当地印第安皮阿拉普部落烤鲑鱼晚宴,塔科马当地合唱团和摇滚乐队带来的演出,还有...
Vice President Yan Dong stated that held by China International Friendship Cities Association, this training workshop was the first workshop on cooperation between sister cities in recent years and the first nationwide training held after the pandemic. The main task was to thoroughly study and implem...
重庆国际传播中心将在iChongqing英文网站开设“国际交往(International Exchange)”频道和“专题(Special)”频道,“国际交往”下设“外事要闻(News)”“涉外服务(Service)”“国际友好城市(Sister Cities)”三大板块。 三大板块内容将包含重要外宾访渝、重要外事活动、国际合作、国际人文交流等重庆涉外新闻。报道与解读重庆的...
近日,美国国际姐妹城协会(Sister Cities International,简称“SCI”)主席、得克萨斯州圣安东尼奥市市长尼伦伯格在该组织官方网站上发表声明,号召全球友城加强沟通与合作,共同应对新冠肺炎疫情挑战,并对中美友城合作抗疫表示了赞赏。 尼在声明中表示,世界正处于前所未有的全球健康和经济危机中,只有坚持团结、秉持希望...