单词 厄钉定理 释义厄钉定理earnshaw theorem 随便看 wave vector wave velocity wave zone w boson weak boson weak current weak ferromagnetism weak focusing weak focusing synchrotron weak interaction weather weather radar weber weber fechner's law weber number wedging pressure wehnelt cylinder weighing weight...
1) earnshaw theorem 厄钉定理 2) ehrenfest theorem 厄伦费斯脱定理 3) positive definite (semidefinite) Hermitian matrix 正定厄米特矩阵 4) arrhenius law 阿雷尼厄斯定律 5) Matthias' rules 马赛厄斯定则 6) precision locating pin 精定位钉 补充资料:正定矩阵 ...
厄钉定理文献(pubmed) 赞助商链接以下为句子列表:英文: The Relation of Pappus Theorem to Desargues Theorem中文: Pappus定理与Desargues定理之间的关系 英文: About Perspective in the Pappus Theorem and Pascal Theorem中文: 关于Pappus定理和Pascal定理的透视问题 英文: The channel coding theorem, the source co...