野心相当large(大的),想把地盘enlarge(扩大),要想在这discharge(卸货),保护费要overcharge(多收),谁敢把我charge(控告)。9.便宜无好货 话说有个student(学生),旅行需要tent(帐篷),去到商店rent(租借)只要几百cent(分),野营发生accident(事故),原来没有vent(通风孔),骨架还全bent(弯曲),奸商让人resen...
寓意:这个故事告诉人们不要企望非份之物。 NO.5 The Dog and the Shadow(狗和影子) It happened that a Dog had got a piece of meat and was carrying it home in his mouth to eat it in peace. Now, on his way home he had to cross a plank lying across a running brook. As he crossed,...
12个趣味英文单词故事 1. 🏴☠️一个叼着烟斗的海盗扣动手枪扳机,意外击中了坑里的猪。 🌍在行星上的种植园里,普通的植物被搭建了棚子来避免灾害。 🔍从土层布局来看,这里显然是外行铺设的。 💑已婚的马克思主义者刚刚步入婚姻的殿堂。 🏃♂️我背着有斑点的大理石面具进行马拉松赛跑,就像航...
篇1:英语单词故事111 单词故事 1、标题:altar alt=high 高 alt词缀是来自于拉丁文。 altar指位于高位的祭祀位置,即祭坛。在古希腊传说的特洛伊战争中,希腊联军统帅阿伽门侬把女儿送到众神的祭坛上祈求联军的胜利。相关单词: altitude高度 altar祭坛(位于高位的祭祀位置)altimeter高度计 alto男高音 ...
50篇单词故事1 Fall in Love with English 爱上英语 1 Hiding behind the loose dusty curtain, a teenager packed up his overcoat into the suitcase. 2 He planned to leave home at dusk though there was thunder and lightning outdoors. 3 He had got to do this because he was tired of his ...
下面一起来学习几个单词吧! 1、Kangaroo(袋鼠) 单词渊源的故事总是很好听,比如这个:当几百年前库克船长来到澳大利亚,他看到一些长相奇怪的动物总是跳来跳去的,他就去问当地的土著,这些动物是什么。他听他们说“kangaroo——抗个褥”。他又问别的土著,答案一样,于是他就把袋鼠称为:kangaroo。后来有人说,kangaroo...
英语单词背后的神话和历史故事篇 1. aeolian harp [iːˈoʊliən hɑːrp] n. 风鸣琴; 风弦琴; 风奏琴 埃俄罗斯(Aeolus)是希腊神话中的风神,生活在埃俄利亚的一个漂浮的小岛上。有一天,奥德修斯和他的船员来拜访他,他提供他们一个月的食宿,并给予他们西风,方便他们回家。埃俄罗斯同时...
高阶英语学习者单词故事汇1 On this early summer evening, I sat by the river and listened to the waves of the Susquehanna River. The sunset through the afterglow, sprinkled on me, warm, let me feel a kind of quiet comfort. The air was filled with the scent of the earth after the rain...