because passwords are forgotten, we are blocked outside the switch telnet remote management interface. The second step: Although the control interface can try to
2019-11-28 10:38 −启动etcd的时候报错: # systemctl restart etcd Job for etcd.service failed because the control process exited with error code. See "systemctl status etcd.serv... abce 0 7071 Internet History,Technology,and Security - The Web Makes it Easy to Use(Week3) ...
Password control 密码控制功能的开启状态: Enable:开启 Disable:关闭 该参数可以通过命令local-aaa-user password policy access-user配置。 Password history 密码历史记录功能的开启状态和每个用户密码的历史记录的最大条数。 该参数可以通过命令password history record number配置。