10个单词10个单词 1.vegetable (蔬菜) 2.victory (胜利、成功、克服) 3.voice (声音;嗓音;发言权;愿望、表达;吐露) 4.variety (变化、多样性、种类) 5.valley(山谷、溪谷、低谷) 6.vanish (消失、突然不见) 7.verity(查证、证明、证实) 8.valuable(贵重的、有价值的、贵重物品) 9.virus (病毒、病毒...
10个英语单词 1、dictionary词典 2、believable可信的 3、university大学 4、overwinter过冬,把…保存过冬 5、paraplegic下身麻痹患者 6、background背景 7、disappoint失望的 8、earthquake地震 9、interested有趣的 10、understand明白的©2022 Baidu |由 百度智能云 提供计算服务 | 使用百度前必读 | 文库协议 | ...
It consists of a small shallow bowl-shaped part attached to a handle, allowing it to scoop and hold food. I used a spoon to eat my soup because it's easier to scoop the liquid. Can you pass me a spoon? I need to stir my coffee. She gently placed a spoonful of ice cream into ...
英语单词大全随便出示十来个就行.急. 扫码下载作业帮搜索答疑一搜即得 答案解析 查看更多优质解析 解答一 举报 一、 学习用品 (school things) pen钢笔 pencil铅笔 pencil-case book书 bag包 comic book post card newspaper报纸 schoolbag书包 橡皮sharpener story-book故事书 notebook笔记本 Chinese book语文书 ...
这样你背过一个单词以后,你会在第36天,复习到这个单词的第1次,然后再第54天,复习到这个单词的第2次。每个单词都能够做到在60天的范围内背一遍复习两遍。2 短记忆周期 每天背单词也要注意日内的复习。这里就要用到睡眠记忆法。这个方法是由我们国家的高考英语单科状元在十多年前免费公开并发布到网络上面的...
十个简单的单词 1.书(shū) - book 2.鸟(niǎo) - bird 3.电脑(diànnǎo) - computer 4.水(shuǐ) - water 5.天气(tiānqì) - weather 6.朋友(péngyǒu) - friend 7.时间(shíjiān) - time 8.花(huā) - flower 9.音乐(yīnyuè) - music 10.颜色(yánsè) - color...
每日10个单词 1.abandon [ə'bændən]放弃,抛弃,遗弃v. Rescuers hadabandoned all hope of finding any more survivors. anabandoned farm废弃的农场 2.aboard [ə'bɔːd]上船/车/飞机adv. WelcomeaboardFlight BA98 forParis. 欢迎乘坐飞往巴黎的BA98次航班。 getaboardthe plane/train登机,...
leverage something: to get as much as advantage or profit as possible from something that you have. The company needs toleverageits resources. This system will help you toleverageyour time so that you get more done. Applicable (adjective) ...
十个单词不多不少,大家一起来坚持吧~~今天默写的 1)allocation n. 分配,配给 apportion <例>It does have the power to make laws and votes on the allocation of funds. <派>allocate v.分配,配给 2)alloy n. 合金 vt. 使成合金 3)alphabet n. 字母表 4)alter v.(使)改变 chang...