结球除了受到多基因控制之外,更容易受到环境影响,导致结球性状的遗传研究长期停滞不前。 2022年8月2日,The Plant Cell在线发表了华中农业大学&洪山实验室匡汉晖教授研究团队题为“Loss-of-function of SAWTOOTH 1 affects leaf dorsiventral...
近日,华中农业大学园艺植物生物学教育部重点实验室匡汉晖教授团队在ThePlant Cell杂志上发表了题为Loss-of-function of SAWTOOTH1 affects leaf dorsiventrality genes to promote leafy heads in lettuce的研究论文,阐明了一个新的叶背腹性转录因子调控生菜结球的遗传和分子机理。结球(叶球)是叶用蔬菜特有的表型...
22.Kuang, H., Woo, S., Meyers, B., Nevo, E., Michelmore, R. (2004) Multiple genetic processes result in heterogeneous rates of evolution within the major cluster disease resistance genes in lettuce. Plant Cell, 16: 2870-2894. 23.Meyers, B., Kozik, A., Griego, A., Kuang, H., ...
核心提示:8月2日,华中农业大学匡汉晖教授研究团队以“Loss-of-function of SAWTOOTH 1 affects leaf dorsiventrality genes to promote leafy heads in lettuce”为题在The Plant Cell上发表了研究论文。该研究克隆了控制生菜结球的新基因LsSAW1,发现其可以下调近轴基因和上调远轴基因以促进生菜结球发育。……(世界...
匡汉晖,华中农业大学园艺林学学院教授,“长江学者”特聘教授。研究领域包括植物抗病基因的进化以及蔬菜特异形状的遗传和分子机理。以第一作者或通讯作者在Nature Communications、 Genome Research、 Plant Cell、 Mol Plant、Mol Bio Evol 、Nucleic Acids Res、Plant Physiol、 Plant J等国际知名杂志发表文章多篇。
10.Meyers, B., Kozik, A., Griego, A., Kuang, H., R.W. Michelmore (2003). Genome-wide analysis of NBS-LRR-encoding genes in Arabidopsis. Plant Cell 15: 809-834. 11.Song, J., Bradeen, J.M., Naess, S.K., Raasch, J.A.,Haberlach, G.T., Wielgus S.M.,Liu, J., Kuang...
8月2日,华中农业大学匡汉晖教授研究团队以“Loss-of-function of SAWTOOTH 1 affects leaf dorsiventrality genes to promote leafy heads in lettuce”为题在The Plant Cell上发表了研究论文。该研究克隆了控制生菜结球的新基因LsSAW1,发现其可以下调近轴基因...
27. Kuang, H.,Woo, S., Meyers, B., Nevo, E., Michelmore, R. (2004) Multiple genetic processes result in heterogeneous rates of evolution within the major cluster disease resistance genes in lettuce.Plant Cell, 16: 2870-2894. 28. Meyers, B., Kozik, A., Griego, A.,Kuang, H.,R....
9.Kuang, H., Woo, S., Meyers, B., Nevo, E., Michelmore, R. (2004) Multiple genetic processes result in heterogeneous rates of evolution within the major cluster disease resistance genes in lettuce. Plant Cell, 16: 2870-2894.10.Meyers, B., Kozik, A., Griego, A., Kuang, H., R...