农畜产品 nóng xù chǎn pǐn
chù种畜场 xù畜牧业 农畜产品 畜产品
说明:双击或选中下面任意单词,将显示该词的音标、读音、翻译等;选中中文或多个词,将显示翻译。 1) agricultural and livestock products 农畜产品 1. After Chinas entering WTO, the international market has been further opened to Chinasagricultural and livestock products. ...
入世后,我国农畜产品进入国际市场的大门已经敞开。 更多例句>> 3) internal quality of agriculture and poultry products 农畜产品内部品质4) Animal product quality 畜产品质量 1. Animal product quality and developmental strategies of animal husbandry in recovery region of Dongting Lake; 洞庭湖退田还...
随着农业产业化的进行,乌盟的农畜产品加工企业也得到了空前的发展,但是经过考察发现,企业对现有的各种资源还没有充分利用起来,区域经济存在着巨大的经济效益潜力,文章在对农业企业经济效益充分估计的前提下,对企业预期发展的产权结构和行业结构进行了预测。 更多例句>> 3...
对大宗农产品和重要畜禽产品问题补充:匿名 2013-05-23 12:21:38 Of bulk agricultural products and poultry products 匿名 2013-05-23 12:23:18 For bulk agricultural commodities and important livestock and poultry products 匿名 2013-05-23 12:24:58 To large amount agricultural product and ...
农畜产品 1. After Chinas entering WTO, the international market has been further opened to Chinas agricultural and livestock products. 入世后,我国农畜产品进入国际市场的大门已经敞开。 更多例句>> 4) Animal product quality 畜产品质量 1. Animal product quality and developmental strategies of animal...
农畜产品虚拟水1. On the base of calculating the total quantity of main crop-livestock product virtual water from 1996 to 2006, this paper utilized the causal analysis of Pseudo-Gini Coefficient to decompose the regional virtual water disparities in China. 在测算中国各地区农畜产品虚拟水总量的...