【动画短片】倒面男孩Cúilín Dualach (2005)【汤姆摩尔短片作品】既然活下来了,就要把时间活得精彩!
返回将军侃片治愈动画短片《倒面男孩》,十分值得看! 将军侃片 2024-11-30 19:20 投稿了视频:治愈动画短片《倒面男孩》,十分值得看!点赞0评论0评论0打开App
倒面男孩 Cúilín Dualach 动画/ 短片 2004-10-16爱尔兰上映 / 12分钟 想看看过简介 Cúilín Dualach lives in a small town in the west of Ireland. He is the apple of his mother’s eye, yet his father shows him little affection. Everywhere he goes, people stare at him. Cúilín strives...
倒面男孩 Cúilín Dualach(2004) 导演:Nora Twomey 编剧:Jackie Mac Donnacha 类型:动画/短片 制片国家/地区:英国 语言:Irish Gaelic 上映日期:2004-10-16(爱尔兰) 片长:12分钟 又名:Backwards Boy IMDb:tt1173942 豆瓣评分 暂无评分 看过 评价:
倒面男孩 介绍 演职人员 奖项 图集 剧情简介 Cúilín Dualach lives in a small town in the west of Ireland. He is the apple of his mother’s eye, yet his father shows him little affection. Everywhere he goes, people stare at him. Cúilín strives to fit in as best he can but ...
Cúilín Dualach 倒面男孩 (2005)是【中字】爱尔兰卡通沙龙工作室动画短片合集(2002-2020)的第2集视频,该合集共计7集,视频收藏或关注UP主,及时了解更多相关视频内容。
简介 Cúilín Dualach lives in a small town in the west of Ireland. He is the apple of his mother’s eye, yet his father shows him little affection. Everywhere he goes, people stare at him. Cúilín strives to fit in as best he can but that can be a difficult thing to do when ...
Jackie Mac Donnacha,编剧,代表作品有《倒面男孩》等。 汤姆·摩尔 美术设计汤姆·摩尔(Tomm Moore),1977年1月7日出生于英国北爱尔兰纽里郡,爱尔兰动画导演、编剧、制片人。2009年,执导个人首部动画电影《凯尔经的秘密》,该片获得第82届奥斯卡金像奖最佳动画长片奖提名、第37届安妮奖最佳动画电影奖提名。2014年,...