保研英语面试常见问题(一) 1.Would you please make a brief introduction about yourself? 2.Why did you take the MBA examination?Would you please say something about the currently MBA program in China? 3.Why do you choose RENMIN University to study MBA?Tell me a little about RENMIN University ...
保研面试英语问题整理 1.自我介绍 - Please introduce yourself. - Can you briefly tell us about yourself? 2.为什么选择继续深造?(Why do you choose to pursue further studies?) - What is your motivation for pursuing a postgraduate degree? - Why do you want to continue your education at a ...
🎓研究生面试的英语口语问题主要围绕以下几个方面,根据学姐的面试经验,整理了一些常见问题,供大家参考。🔹个人生活类(兴趣爱好、家庭背景等) What's your favorite hobby? Could you tell us something about your hometown? Could you tell us something about your family?🔹个人性格品质类 What's your favor...
二、保研英语面试具体是怎么面试的? 我参加的夏令营里,英语面试表现为三种形式,我觉得大多数英语面试也就这三种形式了。 常规形式,导师随机问英语问题,学生用英语回答,一般是1到2个问题; 学生直接做英语自我介绍,在自我介绍之后,导师问1个英语问题; 在学生作英语自我介绍之后,还有一项英语笔试,导师出英语话题,学生在...
9.介绍一下你家乡的特产(Introduce some special products of your hometown) 10.介绍一下你的项目/论文/竞赛 11.你在该项目/论文/竞赛中遇到的最大的困难是什么?你是怎么解决的? 12.介绍喜欢的课程
保研面试常见英语问题---hometown where are you from? how long have you lived there? how do you like it why因为她breeds me just like a mother breed her child,and she is really beautiful. do you live near here where aboutno,700kilometers??from here what do you think are the good points...
前言:本文为本人在准备夏令营和预推免期间准备的常见英文面试问答,也参考了很多学长学姐的经验,并且基于本人的经历进行修改,做成了模板的形式,希望能够给与学弟学妹或多或少的帮助。 PART1 Introduction 1.1 自我介绍-3min以内版本 老师好,我是xxx,是来自xxx大学xxx专业的一名学生。我的专业排名为第xxx名,四六级成绩较...
学习类问题:如最近读过的喜欢的书、喜欢的论文、喜欢的专著、就业规划、研究生规划、课程内容等。 专业类问题:较少直接考“请用英文介绍一下××理论”,更多的是结合专业内的新现象和时事提问。最后,所有专业名词的英文表达必须熟悉!希望大家能提前准备,顺利通过保研英语面试!0...
科研类问题: 3️⃣ What is the biggest harvest of writing this paper? 规划类问题: 4️⃣ If you are fail to get the offer, what will you do?💡回答技巧:首先要流畅,然后按逻辑答题,有能力的话可适当举例和扩展。🍀最后,祝愿大家都能在保研英语面试中取得好成绩,稳稳上岸!0...
请用英语介绍一下xx原理,xx内容 (针对于专业知识,如果用英语回答的话,问题不会太难,针对涉及英语的专业内容好好积累积累) 7.Please introduce what you studied about this professional courses in English/ Tell us about what you learned in this course in English ...