介绍:TIO最初是一本极其丰富的Mdict例句词典,后作者将其转为了网站,且语料的数量也增加了不少,对于英语学习者而言是十分有帮助的。 查询:直接打开https://tio.freemdict.com网站搜索即可,既可以搜索中文,也可以输入英文,都能够得到相应的结果,能够积累到非常多不一样的表达。 反向词典 亮点:同义词查询,多样化用词...
英语 例句英语例句 1. I love you.我爱你。 2. She is my mother.她是我的母亲。 3. He went to the store.他去了商店。 4. The cat licked my finger.猫舔了我的手指。 5. We played soccer yesterday.我们昨天踢了足球。 6. I want to eat pizza.我想吃披萨。 7. You look beautiful today...
英语单词带例句 1. Apple - I ate an apple for breakfast. (苹果 - 我早餐吃了一个苹果) 2. Cat - The cat is playing with a toy mouse. (猫 - 猫正在玩一个玩具老鼠) 3. Book - He was reading a book in the library. (书 - 他在图书馆读书) 4. Dog - My dog loves to go for ...
svooc句型例句50句 1、They found her happy that day. 2、I found him out. 3、They named the boy Charlie. 4、I saw him come in and go out. 5、They felt the car moving fast. 6、He found the door of study closed to him. 7、We elected Li Yang our monitor. 8、The news made us...
advise例句 1. Advise him to see a doctor. 建议他去看医生。 2. I advise against going to the beach today. 我建议今天不要去海滩。 3. The lawyer advised us to settle out of court. 律师建议我们庭外和解。 4. She advised me to take a year off before going to university. 她建议我在上...
tie的例句tie的例句 tie的例句如下: 1、He began to tie his shoelaces. 他开始系鞋带。 2、He carefully knotted his tie. 他仔细地打着领带。 3、The first game ended in a tie. 第一场比赛以平局结束。 4、We'll fix him up with a tie. 我们会为他准备一条领带。 5、Unusually for him, he ...
meaning例句meaning例句 1.You can't ascribe the same meaning to both words. 不要认为这两个词的意思是相同的。 2.A dictionary explains the meaning of words. 词典是解释词义的工具书。 3.Extroverts prefer lively conversation to brooding on the meaning of life. 性格外向的人喜欢高谈阔论,而不愿...
baseball例句 baseball例句: 1、If you go to a baseball game today.you can still see sellers walking around with hot-water tanks. 如今,倘若你去看棒球比赛的话。 2、a glove worn by batters in baseball to give a firmer grip on the bat. 棒球运动中击球手为了把球棒握的更紧而戴的手套。 3、...
trader例句trader例句有: 1.He is a successful trader and earns a large income. 翻译:他是一位成功的商人,赚取了高额的收入。 2.The company is run by a professional trader. 翻译:该公司由一名专业商人经营。 3.He started his career as a cotton trader. 翻译:他的职业生涯始于棉花商人。 4.He ...