亡命距离的剧情简介 ··· After waking to find their ankles rigged with proximity triggered bombs, two men find themselves bound together while being forced to play a twisted game of survival as they are hunted by their captors. 亡命距离...
亡命距离 2014 /欧美 /11分钟 主演: 俘虏导演: Connolly Kevin Ryan上映时间: 2014-01-01剧情简介 : 短短11分钟的时长,上演了一出升级版的大逃杀。 影片中所有俘虏被双双配对戴上炸弹脚环,只要互相脱离一定距离,便会引发爆炸。男主角为生存下去,只能拼命保护两个环扣之间的安全距离。逃命途中,杀死行刑的狙击...
亡命距离 2014 /欧美 /11分钟 主演: 俘虏导演: Connolly Kevin Ryan上映时间: 2014-01-01剧情简介 : 短短11分钟的时长,上演了一出升级版的大逃杀。 影片中所有俘虏被双双配对戴上炸弹脚环,只要互相脱离一定距离,便会引发爆炸。男主角为生存下去,只能拼命保护两个环扣之间的安全距离。逃命途中,杀死行刑的狙击...
亡命距离,是由凯文·瑞恩·康纳利导演,由Todd Bruno,Justin Robinson,Josh Connolly主演的剧情电影。为您提供亡命距离在线观看、亡命距离演员表、亡命距离下载等相关信息,影片简介:在醒来后发现他们的脚踝被近距离引爆炸弹所...
暂无 介绍 演职人员 奖项 图集 剧情简介 After waking to find their ankles rigged with proximity triggered bombs, two men find themselves bound together while being forced to play a twisted game of survival as they are hunted by their captors. ...
看过 猫眼综合评分 7.5 IMDb7.4 简介 After waking to find their ankles rigged with proximity triggered bombs, two men find themselves bound together while being forced to play a twisted game of survival as they are hunted by their captors....
《亡命距离》 谁看懂了?解释下为什么最后一枪打死自己人? 答案:我的理解是只有一个人能活下来进入下一关,而另一个猎人有可能也是知晓规则的,所以先把他干掉相当于扫清了自己进入下一关的道路。
亡命距离(2013) 类型: 电影,动作,科幻,惊悚,悬疑,恐怖,短片 主演: 地区:美国 导演:凯文·瑞恩·康纳利播出时间: 2013年12月05日剧情简介After waking to find their ankles rigged with proximity triggered bombs, two men find themselves bound together while being forced to play a twisted game of...
妻子在太空深处迷失,男子寻信号一路找,最后却来到了怪兽巢穴2020-12-04 12:53:10 穷动画 举报 0 分享至 0:00 / 0:00 速度 洗脑循环 Error: Hls is not supported. 视频加载失败 穷动画 25.4万粉丝 一个转型的穷哥 00:42 原来还可以这样赚钱,太轻松了吧 01:07 好一个已读乱回的“神镜” ...