Persistent Striving the Principle, Pursuit of Innovation the Path
不以息为体 英文回答: To live a life not rooted in the pursuit of material possessions or external validation, but rather one marked by constant growth and renewal, is to embrace the profound wisdom enshrined in the ancient Chinese proverb, "Do not take comfort in things, seek renewal in ...
1970年,中山大学、暨南大学英文系并入广州外国语学院,彼时已在中大英文系有15年教龄的桂诗春教授,也随同该系一起来到了广外。 “以日新为道”的学者 “以不息为体,以日新为道”。桂诗春常爱引用唐代诗人刘禹锡的这句话作为座右铭。“这是因为我们处在信息数量和流量不断增加的信息革命时代,人类知识的老化率也随之...
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