非三联体密码子 3) triplet code 三联密码子 1. In this paper, we computed the frequencies of appearance of thetriplet codes in DNA sequences for alien plants of China, and viewed as genomic signatures, which were illustrated by 2D graphs and 1D histogram. ...
三联体密码子在mRNA二级结构中的分布 (英文) 353 stem ratio,toacertainextent,reflectstheprobabilityfora0odonlocating inthestem regionor intheloopregion.Thebiggertheloop-stem ratiois,thebiggre theprohabilityforamdonl0一 catingintheloopregionsis;orviceversa Accordingtoourabovedefinitionofalcop-ocdon ...
氨基酸中英文,缩写,三联体密码子 只看楼主收藏回复 Love_parade 核心会员 7 0 送TA礼物 1楼2008-11-20 20:41回复 Love_parade 核心会员 7 1 2楼2008-11-20 20:42 回复 Love_parade 核心会员 7 2 3楼2008-11-20 20:45 回复 Love_parade 核心会员 7 3 4楼2008-11-20 20:48 ...
3) non-triplet codon 非三联体密码子4) triplet code 三联密码子 1. In this paper, we computed the frequencies of appearance of the triplet codes in DNA sequences for alien plants of China, and viewed as genomic signatures, which were illustrated by 2D graphs and 1D histogram. 本文计算...
2) Triplet codon 三联体密码子3) triplet code 三联密码子 1. In this paper, we computed the frequencies of appearance of the triplet codes in DNA sequences for alien plants of China, and viewed as genomic signatures, which were illustrated by 2D graphs and 1D histogram. 本文计算一些入侵...