tLOW tHIGH tSU;STA tHD;DAT tSU;DAT tr tf LOW period of the SCL clock HIGH period of the SCL clock Setup time for a repeated START condition Data hold time: For I2C bus devices Data set-up time SDA and SCL rise time SDA and SCL fall time 8 資料に関するフィードバック (ご意見...
SCL, SDA SCL, SDA ALERT, T_CRIT, SCL, SDA ALERT, T_CRIT, SDA ALERT, T_CRIT, SDA, IOL = 3 mA 0.9 V 0.4 V –0.1 0.1 μA –0.1 0.1 μA 0.4 V IDD_ACTI Active conversion current VE TA = –40°C to 125°C Serial bus inactive Local sensor Remote sensor 100 150 μA 220 ...